Wonderous & Woeful Weekend

This weekend has been a mélange of fun, adventure, and rest. Rest is the component I am least comfortable with. After weekend bike trip plans with a friend fell though, I had an entire weekend with no plans. Especially with my partner being away; this leaves me feeling especially uneasy. All by myself, nothing on the agenda.

Fortunate enough, I live on a property with at least 6 (sometimes up to 12+) others; some of whom were going out for a float down the Columbia River on Friday afternoon, so I gratefully tagged along. And 2/3 of the way down the river at 6:20pm (and 4 Ranch Water's deep), I remembered that I had a 7pm meeting to attend. So from the float take-out spot, I attended a Zoom meeting about the upcoming hiking trip I am volunteering on. 

I often feel as though I am missing out on time with friends, new adventures, or making connections if I have not secured plans. What I am starting to learn and accept is that rest/recovery (and in this case, solitude) is just as necessary a component to a fulfilling life as the adrenaline-filled moments. With my job being so emotionally demanding, I'm finding I need more solitude; more time to recharge my social battery.


While I struggled to not initiate plans for this free Saturday, I realized that a rest day was exactly what my body needed. Our bodies are sometimes wiser than our minds.

During my rest day, I laid in my hammock reading my (witchy) book and drinking my Raven Roast Coffee Alternative (yes, I am trying a break from coffee as an energy experiment). 

I went for a (short) solo bike ride in 30+ degrees where I skinny dipped in the lake to cool off. Then I got myself take-out from our local Greek joint so I wouldn't have to cook. And on my way out from the bike ride, I was fortunate enough to witness this n(e)ature: 

I spent the evening watching Parent Trap (the 1998 Lindsay Lohan version) which was so nostalgic and so heart-warming for me. And while I watched the Parent Trap, I was stitching an embroidery project for my friend's upcoming wedding and reflecting on how happy I am for my bride friend who was insecure in her sexuality for so long.

After this day of rest and solitude, despite recognizing the need; I was feeling a bit lonely and depressed. A Sunday hike with friends and a dip in an alpine lake should help!

And it always does. 

I am concluding this wonderful weekend with tired legs, a new right foot blister (as always), and a very happy heart. It's amazing what good people, a little exercise, and some alpine air can do for the soul. I made myself a delicious and nutritious meal for dinner, and sat down to eat it with a glass of wine. 

Now I am going to watch the last 20 minutes of Parent Trap that I didn't finish last night. And voila, a wrap on my only weekend without plans for the rest of the summer!

On the roster: a visit from the parents, a ladies hiking trip, a university housemates' reunion trip to Newfoundland, a Braille Mountain Initiative hiking trip, an Island wedding, and a local music festival. 


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