collaging through climate catastrophes

Well it's raining cats and dogs here in the Kootenays... thank god. Moisture is so needed to quash these horrendous fires. I've sure been feeling the doom and gloom of these climate disasters. The fires are so bad this year, so destructive, they've taken lives... and they will only get worse and worse and worse and worse.

Rainy days always make me feel those cozy, tea-drinking, create, write, & make, kind of feels. I think rain is a reminder to me to not neglect my creative side. Like the childhood neighbour knocking on your door... "want to come out to play?". 

I wrote a blog post around this time two years ago about collaging (creating art from recycling) in my work with Cat. Yesterday, as I set the 7-minute timer to steep my bengal spice tea, I thought of Cat. She is one of the most creative souls to have ever blessed my life. Her eye for art was and is inspiring to me. I sent her off an email. Some life updates, some banter, some witchcraft (hoping that the magic wand Cat created will summon some evil spirits that will deliver terminal cancer right to Putin's pancreas). She responds: "I'm glad you are drinking bengal spice tea and thinking of me! How I keep alive in someone's life long after they've left me!" Ah, the power of a cup of tea to transport you through an album of memories.

And finally, "I hope your magic wand does give Putin terminal pancreatic cancer!"

I spent a good few hours last night creating while Max did some practical things like terminate a wasps nest, replace the bumper on a snowmobile, and gather firewood for the looming fall. I cut pieces out of magazine and glued them to cardstock.

My collage collection from last night have a theme of sorts. A Margaret Atwood, a Meryl Streep, a Jane Goodall, and a Jacinda Ardern. Each looking disapproving. An animal on each. Some hint at a climate or a political disaster. That's where I'm at right now. The crises/catastrophes feel all-consuming and you just feel helpless.

Out beyond ideas of wrongoding and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there. - Rumi


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