Bolivia: Life Lessons & Magical Moments

Experiencing different parts of the world is such a gift. It allows the opportunity for novel experiences, gaining perspective, meeting interesting people, trying new food, self-discovery, and learning life lessons. Let me tell you a few of the lessons we learned in Bolivia:

  1. No matter how careful you try to be; prepare yourself for a persistent stomach bug - and toilets without seats.
  2. Don't bike with your phone in a pocket with a broken zipper down a road commonly knows as the "Death Road".
  3. Altitude medication (specifically acetazolamide) has some strange side effects: tingling in the toes, and can make carbonated beverages taste odd.
  4. Avoid ignorant Toronto boys (20-some year olds) like the plague - they'll cause you to lose faith in humanity a little.
  5. Make sure to get your passport stamped in Peru (even when the border agent tells you a stamp is not required)!
  6. When an overnight bus says they have a toilet on board, it is for peeing only (and that's if you're lucky). Honesty is not a policy with these bus companies. 
  7.  6,000 meters is very, very high and altitude sickness is a real thing. Drinking copious amounts of coca tea is mildly helpful, at best.
  8. "¿Cómo se llama?" is not pronounced the same as the animal. Translation apps can be helpful, but they only get you so far...
  9. Sun protection is essential! Bolivia has some of the highest UV doses in the world, with La Paz averaging a UV Index of 11 (extreme). The skin on my chest is angry with me.
Along with these lessons come the cherished travel memories. If you refer back to lesson #2; I only have a portion of the trip's photos in my phone's gallery. 


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